That's the way we do it
That's the way we roll
Ride a moment's pleasure
Our freedom in control
Low lights, late nights, half-dressed parle
Clock a mark at a hunter's mile
Slick back, tight lips, loose ships passing
Take a ride on a stranger's smile
Hook it up, cocked and loaded
Hitch it up just a little higher
Double up, three, four or more
Get it up, you know it's time to
We slide into a space where words just melt away
Meanwhile the righteous sounding off with guilty stains
Will be cursing in their semis on the end of social chains
That's the way we do it
That's the way we roll
Ride a moment's pleasure
Our freedom in control
Steam punk, full dunk, chilled-out grazing
Feel the lust of a voyeur's gaze
Hard gains, soft plains, fast lanes driving
Pump the spark and fuel the blaze
Get it off and get it on yeah
Bring it on, primed and warmed up
Boot it up, systems go now
Let it go, you know you want to
We slide into a space where words just melt away
Meanwhile the masses Google others having fun
Close the curtains, lock the doors and beat the drum until they're done
That's the way we do it
That's the way we roll
Ride a moment's pleasure
Our freedom in control
That's the way we like it
That's the way we like it
That's the way we like it
That's the way we like it
Give it up, love has no rules
Share it out, tribe needs feeding
Free your mind, rest will follow
Be yourself, you know you need to
We slide into a space where words just melt away
Meanwhile the TV titillates and shames with zeal
Hanging out the innocents for the shame of being real
That's the way we do it
That's the way we roll
Ride a moment's pleasure
Our freedom in control
Available on the album 'HUMAN+'